We’re Two Women Passionate About Helping Other Women.

Our heart is to share the wisdom and the joy that comes from belonging to a community of women that are growing in their relationship with God, that are truth tellers, listening to His voice and being led by His Spirit. Our mission is to equip women to be more than conquerors while learning to trust God in every area of their life.

How We Got Here

Prayer icon

20+ Years of Praying and Studying

Bible study icon

10+ Classes and
Bible Studies Taught

Mentorship icon

100+ Mentored and Coached

How It All Started

String of Pearls was birthed when Kathy and Gale were attending a business meeting in Dallas, TX. The hotel they were staying in was on Pearl Street. When driving home to TN after the meetings, they stopped in a small town to have dinner. Leaving the restaurant they looked up to see a big water tower with the name of the city painted across the front “The City of Pearl”.

After arriving home, pearl kept coming to their minds. Making it a matter of prayer, God gave them the name “String of Pearls” for their ministry to women.

Researching pearls, Gale and Kathy discovered God sees each person as a pearl of great price. He loves us so much that He gave everything, even His life to save and redeem us. Matthew 13:45 says “The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, and upon finding a single pearl of great value, he went and sold all he had and bought it.

A pearl is formed in an oyster when an irritant enters the shell and a protective coating, nacre, which is called the “mother of pearls” is released which reduces the irritation in the oyster. Layers of this nacre creates the beautiful mother of pearl. Pearl farmers must have immense patience to wait for a pearl inside the oyster shell to develop. When a pearl that is in an oyster is ready, the harvester opens the shell and extracts the pearl.

Kathy and Gale come alongside women in this process of exposing and removing strongholds (irritants/lies) and empowering them to discover their true identity and design as His priceless treasure. Are you ready to open your heart to allow God to reveal to you your great value as His beautiful pearl?

Meet Kathy and Gale

Meet Kathy and Gale •

Hi, We’re Kathy And Gale

Two friends that have experienced life together for 23 years.  We have cried together, laughed together, prayed together, raised our children and now grandchildren together, and have cared for our aging mothers together.  Life has provided us with so many experiences to trust God and see his faithfulness and to be an overcomer in every situation.

We treasure the valuable gifts we have found in each other that have blessed us to discover our true identity and walk in the fulness of our design. We have come along side each other by standing firm, covered with the armor of God and praying with all kinds of prayers in all kinds of situations.

Meet Kathy

  • Called by God to be a cheerleader for the Kingdom

  • Married to Bill for 48 years

  • Mom to two daughters

  • Grandmother to three grandsons and two granddaughters

Meet Gale

  • Called by God to be a fearless comforter

  • Married to Marty for 40 years

  • Mom to a daughter and son

  • Grandmother to four granddaughters

Two Ways To Work With Us

Online Bible Study

Heart Healing